Approximately once a fortnight our school community is invited to attend a Friday assembly that celebrates student learning in and out of class. Assemblies are advertised through the calendar and updates as necessary via the class seesaw and/or text messaging. Please contact your classroom teacher for information about dates and times.
Any parents or visitors to our school are required to sign in at the school office upon arrival.
In the event of an emergency evacuation please follow the directions issued by the nearest staff member to you.
If at any time your child is involved in a serious accident at school, we will notify you immediately and where necessary arrange for urgent medical attention.
Our nearest facility is Balclutha although all our staff hold first aid certificates.
In the event of sickness during the day your child will be sent to the school office where they will be monitored for a twenty-minute period. If there is no improvement after this period, we will make every effort to contact you.
Please make sure that the school has up to date contact information for you, including changes in mobile phone numbers and emergency contact details.
Country students are bought to Clinton via three bus runs – Kuriwao/Owaka, Kuriwao/Slopedown, Taumata/Wairuna.
Children travelling on the bus runs are under the charge of the bus monitors.
Bus subsidy application forms are available from the school office for eligible students who need to travel to meet the bus. Please enquire if you feel you may be eligible.
All our school buses are run by GoBus.
At Clinton School we have high expectations for student behaviour. Manaakitanga is at the foundation of everything we do at our school. Maanakitanga is the capacity to care, to respect ourselves, others and our environment. By doing this we make everyone stronger and create a safe environment to learn and be the best we can be.
By working closely with our parent community any unsettled behaviour patterns can be dealt with effectively.
The first and most useful point of contact regarding your child will be the class teacher who works with your child daily. They will also be able to direct you further if they feel there is someone else who can assist you with your query.
Please phone to arrange an appointment to see your child’s teacher – this will mean that they are able to give you their full attention and prepare for your meeting.
Messages left at the office for teaching staff will be passed on daily.
At Clinton School we recognise that whilst our decisions may suit most, with the best will in the world they may not suit all!
Our philosophy is:
“Tell the person who can make the difference”.
This means that we get the opportunity to solve any concerns properly so that matters are resolved efficiently and with respect.
Login with username clinton and password respect
Clinton School is an Enviro school. At different stages in the year the classes will engage in environmental projects.
The local trips permission slip will cover any outings your child will make as part of this programme.
We have a well-resourced library, and each class has timetabled visits to the library.
We actively encourage students to read and ask that parents support us in the development of their child’s reading habits.
Every class uses the SEESAW app which is an excellent way for whanau to keep up to date with their child's learning and easily communicate between school and home. We strongly encourage whanau to accept the seesaw invitation when it is issued by the classroom teacher. If a new invitation is required, please contact your classroom teacher.
Email and text are also used on a regular basis to communicate when applicable.
A community newsletter is produced by the school twice a term.
Our uniform can be purchased from The Warehouse in Gore.
Alternatively, when we have stock available, a selection of second hand items can be purchased by contacting the office.
All Year 7 and 8 students receive Technology training at South Otago High School in Balclutha on Thursdays every second week of each term.
They are transported to and from Balclutha by bus.